Januari 31, 2008
what's topic??????
i really dizzy right now...my eyesore too much sleep!!!but i want to say hello to u all guys out there....
i want to posting boout VK more but i have no idea this time...maybe i'm gonna review some VK band article!! but i got confused when i'm start to think which band that i'm gonna review this time...truly a lot of awesome VK band out there!!
maybe lot of people knew bout The Gazette, Miyavi, SID, Dir en grey, Larc en ciel...yeah....u know bout them huh....
but what i'm gonna review is...i dont know...to many cool Vk band out there!!!its just too hard to choosed!!!!
maybe i'm gonna review for my fave band...
but not now...searching for full article bout them....
wait for it nyaaa~~~~ O(=>_<=)O
Januari 30, 2008
Female Visual Kei

today in visual kei, they are known some of band that all the member are a female. it still called VK band, but what make it different is the member of the band were all a female.
same with the usually VK band, they use androgyny make up, an extreme hairstyle and fashion, and their music too are the same genres.
there is some of female VK band that preety known these day, such as, Exist trace, danger*gang, aural vampire, camin(new band), [ 13 ](the vocalist were a female, but there's a rumour that they are disbanded), omnyouza, and still searching for more...
i like exist trace and danger*gang the most, they are such a girl power!!! (>o<)/
Januari 28, 2008
re posting the latest post!!! visual band major label company!
like i was said...i'll repost this posting bout what major that th visual band were in.
king records is a major label that had cooperate with PScompany (label record that the gazette, kra, kagrra, and alice nine were inside of it. miyavi didnt join king records) There also Under Code Production, a Visual Kei indies label where kisaki (ex-phantasmagoria, and his formed the band) as the executive. Previously kisaki was the executive of the indies label matina.
loop ash is a label record which an cafe and other oshare kei join. the other indies label which visual kei band in,such as, mapple kiss, free will, crow music, climax enterprise, S'CUBE, sequence records,tower records and artist society.
lot of visual kei band feel free when in indies label than major, because of the contract that they must signing. some of band that has sign contract with major label decide to went out from th major because of some reason.
You will find most extremely visual bands under small time indie labels, meaning it's pretty much an underground music scene. Under major labels you'll find the bands with only a small amount of visual influence to their look. This is because there is a trend in the visual kei world. When many of these bands are independent, they start off very with a very shocking look. But as they get major record contracts and gain mainstream success, they tend to lose their visual image bit by bit until it becomes hard to tell that they used to be a visual band. just like lunasea, dir en grey, L'Arc-en-ciel.
morning Vkei lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some i know was like king records (it's a label company which The gazette, alice nine, kagrra and kra were inside of it) , face music where indie band were in.
gahh~~~ sorry, maybe i'll re-post this posting, search more sources bout visual band labels company.
be patiently for more info bout vkei for u all vkeiholic...^^
Oshare Kei (the other visual kei)

like i've writing on the latest post, there is another genre of visual.
Oshare Kei are have a quite different music genre than visual kei itself. like i was posted here, that visual kei have lot of music genres, such as pop, heavy metal and electronica. Oshare itself have pop-electronica sound, and its different with visual kei who has a dark, heavy sound. Oshare were more fun and light sound...and full of colour!
i think i'm start to love this kind of visual!^^
no...i love all visual kei thing...~~ ( >o<)/
p.s : please correct me if i'm wrong, it just my opinion!^^;
music of visual kei

Talkin bout visual kei music genre, Some sources state that Visual Kei refers to a music genre, or to a sub-genre of J-rock (a term referring to Japanese rock in general), with its own particular sound, related to glam-rock, punk and metal.
today visual kei music genre are developed. The music performed encompasses a large variety of genres, i.e. pop, heavy metal and electronica.
There also now known an oshare kei, the differ thing from visual kei. Music genre of Oshare were more pop-electronica.
Januari 27, 2008
the other visual kei fashion
Gothic fashion is a clothing style worn by members of the Goth subculture. It is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, erotic fashion and style of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes black dyed hair, dark eyeliner, dark fingernails, and black clothes. Styles are often borrowed from the Elizabethans and Victorians. The extent to which goths hold to this stereotype varies, though virtually all Goths wear some of these elements.To visual kei itself, there is some of Gothic style, such as gothic lolita.
Gothic lolita (known in Japan as Gothloli) is a mixture of the Gothic and Lolita fashion. The origins of the Japanese Gothic style can be traced back to the English New Wave Movement during the 1980s: however, the Japanese Gothic scene is fundamentally different than the Gothic subcultures of the west. This gothic fashion has been adopted into the Lolita fashion through the use of darker make up, clothing, and themes in the design. Unlike other Lolita Styles, Gothic Lolita darker colors are used for makeup. Red lipstick and smoky or neatly defined eyes, created using black eyeliner, are typical styles. The Gothic Lolita makeup is not as heavy or dramatic as the Western gothic counterparts. Newer makeup styles emphasize lighter colors but still retain the heavy eye makeup.
The outfits themselves use dark color schemes like black, dark blues and purples. Black and white is the most common color scheme in this look. The KuroLoli subset uses a strict black-on-black color scheme. Gothic Lolita outfits often use less detailed fabric than other Lolita styles. Cross jewelry and other religions symbol are also used to accessoris the gothic Lolita look. Other accessories, like bags and purses, are often in uncommon shapes like bats, coffins, and crucifixes.
Like many other Lolita fashions, the Japanese visual kei movement was responsible for helping to introduce and popularize the Gothic Lolita style. One artist in particular, Mana, a cross-dressing man, is considered to be the major force behind the popularization of the Gothic Lolita style. Mana’s own Gothic Lolita fashion label, Moi-meme-moitie has grown to be very successful. To describe the designs of his new label, he coined the terms Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL) and Elegant Gothic Aristocrat (EGA) .kind of fashion that Vkei use

Visual kei is associated with Harajuku, especially those who gather on "Jingu Bashi , a pedestrian bridge connecting the bustling Harajuku district with Meiji Shrine. In attendance one will find Visual kei cosplayer (those dressed as their favorite bands) and those in the subculture known as Gothic lolita based on Lolita fashion.
Lolita (ロリータ・ファッション, roriita fasshon) is a Fashion Subculture in Japan that is primarily influenced by victorian children’s clothing as well as costumes from the rococo period. Lolita has made this into a unique fashion by adding Gothic and original design elements to the look. From this, Lolita fashion has evolved into several different sub styles and has created a devoted subculture in Japan.
1990s when the Lolita fashion trend began to pick up with bands like Malice Mizer and other Visual kei (or visual type) bands coming into popularity. These bands wore intricate costumes, which fans began adopting as their own style. Today, Lolita fashion has grown so much in popularity that it can be found even in Department store.
the history of VKei

Visual Kei emerged in the late 1980s, pioneered by the band X Japan , along with others such as D'erlanger and Color, who are regarded as influencing the fashion and music associated with Visual Kei bands. X Japan's drummer Yoshiki Hayashi used the term to describe the band's slogan "Psychedelic Violence Crime of Visual Shock".
Color vocalist "Dynamite Tommy" formed his record company Free-Will in 1986, which has been a major contributor in spreading modern Visual Kei outside Japan.
In 1992, X Japan launched an attempt to enter the European and American markets, but it would take another 8 years until popularity and awareness of Visual Kei bands would extend worldwide.
In the mid 1990s, Visual Kei received an increase in popularity throughout Japan, when album sales from Visual Kei bands started to reach record numbers. The most notable bands to achieve success during this period included, X Japan, Glay, Lunasea, and L'Arc-en-Ciel, however a drastic change in their appearance accompanied their success.
During the same period, bands such as Kuroyume, Malice Mizer, and Penicilin, gained mainstream awareness, although they were not as commercially successful.
By 1999, mainstream popularity in Visual Kei was declining, X Japan had disbanded, and the death of lead guitarist Hideto Matsumoto, in 1998 had denied fans a possible reunion. It wasn't long before Luna Sea decided to disband in the year 2000, and L'Arc-en-Ciel went on a hiatus the same year.
In 2007 the genre has been revitalized, as Luna sea announced they would perform a one-off performance, and X Japan announced they would reunite. With these developments, Visual kei bands enjoyed a boost in public awareness, described by the media as "Neo-Visual Kei".
what is visual kei?
Visual kei (ヴィジュアル系, vijuaru kei, lit. "visual style") refers to a movement among Japanese musicians, that is characterized by the use of eccentric, sometimes flamboyant looks. This usually involves striking make-up, unusual hair styles and elaborate costumes, often, but not always, coupled with androgynous aesthetics. Some sources state that Visual Kei refers to a music genre, or to a sub-genre of J-rock (a term referring to Japanese rock in general ), with its own particular sound, related to glam rock, punk and metal, and with strong emphasis on its unique style of dress; and some sources state that Visual Kei's unique clothing and make-up fashions, and participation in the related sub-culture, is equally as important as the sound of the music itself in the use of the term.